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Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Book I'm Going to Read: Bugliosi's Prosecution of George Bush

Sometimes you hear of a book that you know you need to rush out and get. This new book by Vincent Bugliosi is one of those. And to think, Ehren Watada has stood court martial for refusing to deploy to this ILLEGAL war............this one's for you Ehren.

A Call to Heroes: An Interview with Vince Bugliosi

June 22, 2008

bugliosi.jpgThere are adjectives that come to mind when describing famed former prosecutor and renowned author, Vincent Bugliosi, who for 40 years has set the standard for prosecutorial skill in America. Some are intrepid, brave, independent, brilliant, driven, indomitable, respected, focused, relentless, and confident. Each fits perfectly well.

But after interviewing Mr. Bugliosi at his California home, and reading his latest book, The Prosecution Of George W. Bush For Murder, I am compelled to add two more adjectives to that already formidable list: PATRIOTIC and ENRAGED. Beyond all other characterizations one may ascribe to Vincent Bugliosi, the principal descriptors TODAY for this inherently honorable man are PATRIOTIC and ENRAGED - emanating equally from his love for his nation.

Of course, there’s another descriptor that has long been associated with Vincent Bugliosi. That descriptor is JUSTICE, to which Bugliosi has devoted his life. Yet not until now - not until George W. Bush caused the murders of over 4,000 Americans and countless innocent Iraqi men, women, children and babies, has JUSTICE assumed an even greater role for Bugliosi - arguably this nation’s preeminent prosecutor. JUSTICE has morphed from a noun to a verb - enacted by Bugliosi with a vengeance - fueled by his intense love of nation, his profound knowledge of law, and his unparalleled ability to dispense it. Vincent Bugliosi is a man of action. While others speak of JUSTICE, Bugliosi creates the ways to achieve it - and he has done so in this book.

Thus it is, that when legendary prosecutor Vince Bugliosi writes a book that establishes the case to prosecute George W. Bush for murder in an American court, for those who know the law, neither the book nor the case are ignored. As told to me by Elizabeth De La Vega, veteran Justice Department attorney who served under Presidents Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II, and author of the New York Times best seller, “United States v. George W. Bush et. al.”:

“Vincent Bugliosi is a consummate prosecutor who has now put together yet another compelling case. His is a cry for justice on behalf of the thousands upon thousands of people who have suffered irreparable harm — and the many of who have died — as a result of the criminal conduct of the President of the United States. This passionate and powerful brief should not be ignored.”

Thankfully, as De La Vega aptly implores, Vince’s book is NOT being ignored. NOT by his patriotic colleagues in law who seek justice against an Administration that misled their nation into a wretched unnecessary war. NOT by the patriotic American public that’s witnessed its beloved nation toppled from human rights enforcer to human rights destroyer. And NOT by the legions of activist patriots who have placed their own freedoms at risk again and again to end the unConstitutional reign of George W. Bush - despite the complicit Legislative and Judicial Branches which failed in their Balance of Powers.

As shared with me by Stephen Rohde, Constitutional lawyer, author, and former president of the ACLU of Southern California:

“At a time when the Democratic leadership has utterly failed to pursue the remedy of impeachment provided by the Founders in the Constitution, Bugliosi’s innovative challenge to indict Bush for murder should be pursued by attorneys general in every state where men and women have died due to Bush’s criminal acts. This Nation cannot allow Bush to leave office and live out his days being paid huge fees to give speeches and serve on corporate boards instead of being tried for the deaths and injuries he has caused. Whether he is forced to stand trial for murder or for war crimes and crimes against humanity, George W. Bush must be held accountable.”

Which brings us to Vince’s CALL TO HEROES. The heroes in Vince’s case are those who would prosecute George W. Bush for murder in an American court of law - which includes the hundreds of city and county District Attorneys, the 50 State Attorneys General and any of the 93 U.S. Attorneys in the 93 federal districts for whom Vince established jurisdiction to proceed with the case. Vince is certain that amongst this vast population of prosecutors, there is at least one patriot who loves this nation deeply enough to hold Bush accountable for the murders of over 4,000 service men and women whom he lied into going to war.

The good news for whomever does step forward to take George Bush to task is the promise of assistance from Bugliosi himself - who as a prosecutor is held in the highest regard. In the words of famed defense attorney F. Lee Bailey, Vince is “the quintessential prosecutor.” For Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz, Vince is “as good a prosecutor as there ever was.”Thus, Vince’s offer to serve as consultant to whomever accepts the case should be incentive enough to take it on - especially since whomever does take it on will encounter instant fame. Vince has also offered to accept a Special Prosecutor appointment from any U.S. Attorney or District Attorney who would like him to try the case.

There are certainly enough family members of murdered service men and women who want George W. Bush tried for their murders. This afternoon I spoke with Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan whose son Casey was killed in Iraq. Cindy, who’s mentioned in Vince’s book, is eager to see Bush tried for Casey’s murder. She’ll be reaching out to Vince to tell him that if prosecution is possible, she’s on board on Casey’s behalf.

As I’ve previously noted, Vince’s patriotism is palpable - in his presence, and in his book. By any standards, this 73-year-old son of hard working Italian immigrants has achieved his American dream. He’s the first in his family to finish college. He’s a brilliantly successful lawyer and one of America’s most renowned authors. Yet despite his great accomplishments, Vince’s focus is on the future - with minor reflection on his past. Right now, the driving force of Vince’s life is prosecuting George W. Bush for murder - a desire that first took hold on August 13, 2005, when he watched Bush on television speaking with reporters from his cushy Crawford ranch. As Vince tells it:

“In the middle of some of the worst atrocities in Iraq, with the surivors of victims screaming out in anguish over the unspeakable horror of it all, Bush after a hearty breakfast tells the media: Quote: I’m gonna have lunch with Secretary of State Rice, take a little nap, I’m reading an Elmore Leonard book right now - knock off a little Elmore Leonard this afternoon - go fishing with my man Barney [his dog], have a light dinner, then head for the ball game. So it’s a perfect day. End quote.

As I talk to you [Linda] right now, there are a hundred-thousand dead - maybe a million - and this guy is off having a great time! I said to myself, ‘No, you son of a bitch! You’re not gonna have another perfect day for as long as you live if I have anything to say about it because I’m gonna put a thought in your mind that you’re going to take with you to your grave. That’s the least that I can do for these thousands of poor soldiers coming back from Iraq in a box or in a jar of ashes. And the thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women, children and babies dying because of your war. And that thought is that there’s no statute of limitations for murder. They went after Pinochet after 33 years - and then he died.”

Read further>>>>>>>>>>>>>

And video: from AntiWar Radio (three parts)

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