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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

"The Unrecognized" Bedouins Forced From Their Lands in the Negev: Video

From Sabbah's Blog:

If you see only one thing today, this video is a must: (click on link to watch the video)

The Unrecognized‘ is a short documentary which highlights the plight of Palestinian Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel living in the Naqab (Negev) desert, many of whom were forced off their lands following the establishment of the state in 1948.

Approximately 70,000 now live in the poverty of ‘unrecognized villages’, where they are denied essential public services and face fundamental human rights violations due to institutionalized discrimination.

The short documentary is available for download from here (Subtitled in English, Subtitled in Hebrew and Subtitled in Arabic).

Also to embed the video in you blog/website, grab the code from my video channel here. Alternatively, I uploaded the same to Google video and you can get here!

The Unrecognized is a short documentary which highlights the plight of Palestinian Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel living in the Naqab (Negev) desert, many of whom were forced off their lands following the establishment of the state in 1948. Approximately 70,000 now live in the poverty of ‘unrecognized villages’, where they are denied essential public services and face fundamental human rights violations due to institutionalized discrimination. Source:

Read this article in Ha'artz (It is pro-Zionist but even recognizes the following in regards to the Bedouin being forced to move from the Negev)

"This development is an insult to the Negev Bedouin, who are told that there is no room in Israel for their form of low density settlement. If we advocate that Israel is a free and equal society, we cannot continue such blatant discrimination in land rights between Jews and Arabs. There is no environmental sustainability without social justice."

And this article from JPost "Cabinet Approves Huge Base in the Negev" concerning more of the Zionist "eminent domain" activities which destroy the lives of the Bedouin who have lived on these lands for milenium.

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