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Sunday, February 3, 2008

What Was That About Jerusalem Hillary?

The San Francisco invited readers to send in questions for the major presidential candidates, prior to the California primaries on Feb. 5. Some sent in a question for all the candidates. Others were directed at a specific candidate. Below is the full text of the questions to, and answers from, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.)

What is your position on Palestinian property rights?

- John Arthur Wills, 61, Oakland

Sen. Clinton: Well John, we must never question Israel's right to exist in safety as a Jewish state, with defensible borders and an undivided Jerusalem as its capital, secure from violence and terrorism. We need to continue to insist that any Palestinian government renounce terrorism and recognize Israel's right to exist. As events unfold, we need to be prepared to resume America's indispensable role in working with the Israelis and the Palestinians to find a just and lasting resolution to the conflict - and I'm ready to lead that effort.

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