Below is cross-posted an absolutely chilling post by our dear friend Desert Peace.
I couldn't believe it when I read it because Karin and I had the HONOR of meeting Mohammed in December when he was in the US touring after he received an award in photo journalism. Due to red-tape and the absurd difficulties for Palestinians to travel, Mohammed wasn't even able to arrive here in time to receive the award himself.
Karin and I took my 16 year old daughter with us to see Mohammed's presentation. She was so shaken by what she heard and saw from him she could barely answer when I asked her, "So what do you think?"
She replied, "It's just like the Holocaust Mom, WHY are they doing this, HOW can they do these things". The answer to that question is simple, because there is no one powerful to stop the Israels and conversely our own government fully supports politically and financially the Israeli regime.
God bless you Mohammed and KEEP YOU SAFE. You lost your own brother from gunfire under the occupation, may YOU not be lost too.
Below is the youtube of Mohammed's presentation which he gave while here in the States.
We almost lost this beautiful young man yesterday. The madness in Gaza is continuing, but when someone you know and love is involved it literally 'brings it home'.
Mohammed Omer is a photographer in Gaza, I have posted many of his works and have written about him. The following is an email that he sent to friends... I can feel his fear and sadness.
After reading it, messages of support and good wishes for him can be posted on this thread or HERE. Thanks.
Dear friends,
I'm scared, I was almost killed or at least bleeding
till death. Three militants were closing all roads and
they suddenly, they told me to stop for the curfew, I
stopped and then the masked-men opened fire at me
hitting the ground under my feet. I thought I'd been killed;
I couldn't even scream because the shooting was louder than my screams.
Finally I was able to be heard and said:" No,
don't do that, stop stop, please". Oh, I was in tears,
this is the first time I'm begging someone not to kill
me, and then a militant standing by said, "We don't want to kill
him, lets shoot him in his legs and leave him to bleed".
I said, "What? why?" and then he said, "your ID". I showed them
my press card and then they let me go. I was
scared that they would shoot me as soon as I turned my
back, but Alhamdllah this didn't happen. I was scared,
scared, scared to death.
This was not a pleasant experience,
and after this, I got stuck
and could not find transport back home, so I went
walking in the streets. I'm scared to death. Those are
just evil and terrible people. I don't wish to be in
that position again. I can't stand on my feet
anymore, I feel pain and scared. Those people are working for
preventive security, which is working closely with the
Israelis. I was wearing my bullet proof vest, but this
didn't protect me enough. Today, more than 10 were
killed and tens were injured, many by Israelis, but
still some by Palestinian clashes between Hamas and
Fateh. They don't want this to be reported. I didn't
tell my mother about this, she will be scared again!
Sad greetings! Mohammed
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