Sunday, July 1, 2012

Why oh why did I ever stop blogging?  I miss it here.  I need some inspiration.............. The entire format of blogger has changed since I was last here. I used to write, I really did.  I didn't think I could get back in here.  Now..... let's see. Can't come up with anything at the moment. I miss my old blogging friends!


  1. Glad to see you back. Blogging beats the hell out of facebook. :)

  2. it's harder than it sounds, isn't it.. i think we've all learned to think in soundbites.. :D

  3. I second that emotion! But blogging is really hard, at least for me, when I really want to do some quality writing.

  4. I just mostly "play around" here Miriam although I have done some decent enough writing. Varying subjects. I miss it. I miss being me rather than just reacting and leaving comments places. To be honest I'm feeling strange just commenting here on my own blog. I met some friends in blogging that I KNOW are real and have had the blessing of getting to know in deeper fashion as real friends. Quality people, real quality people which is a definite perk in blogging.
